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Resultados por ítem:
Portada | Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) | Autoría |
2015 | Recycling Nature in Guatemala: a photoessay | Cason O’Connor, Kellie | - | |
2015 | Transforming Values: The Impact of Bogotá’s Public Trash Collection Service | Leitner, Julia | - | |
2015 | Trash in the Water: An Indigenous People Confronts Waste | Howe, James; McDonald, Libby | - | |
2015 | Beautiful Trash: Art and Transformation | Ibarra, Paola | - | |
2015 | Daniel Lind-Ramos: Standing (De Pie) in Loíza | Fiet, Lowell | - | |
2015 | Trash Moves: On Landfifi lls, Urban Litter | Zubiaurre, Maite | - | |
2015 | Zero Waste in Punta Cana: Garbage and Tourism in the Dominican Republic | Kheel, Jake | - | |
2015 | Trash into Treasure: Building Up by Throwing Out in Chongoyape, Peru | Montalvo, Tina; Martín, Charles | - | |
2015 | Living off Trash in Latin America: debunking the Myths | Medina, Martin | - | |
2015 | Recycling Livelihoods: a Global Network Supports Waste Pickers in Latin America | Fernández, Lucía; Chen, Martha | - |
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