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Tipo de Material: Artículo
Título : Trash in the Water: An Indigenous People Confronts Waste
Autor : Howe, James
McDonald, Libby
Fecha de Publicación : 2015
Ciudad: Editorial : Cambridge. MA, Estados Unidos : Harvard University.
Cita Sugerida : Howe, James y Libby McDonald. 2015. Trash in the Water: An Indigenous People Confronts Waste. Revista Harvard Review of Latin America, winter 2015, 14(2):60-62.
Descriptores / Subjects : DESECHOS
Paginación: p. 60-62
Resumen / Abstract : The guna or kuna, an indigenous people of Panama, suffer from the same waste problems as the rest of the world, with the added complications caused by life on tiny, crowded coral islands. The Guna, originally mainland dwellers, moved offshore in the 19th century, thus escaping mosquitoes, snakes, and the diseases spread by mosquitoes while facilitating access to foreign trading boats. Today, of the forty-nine villages in the autonomous indigenous reserve called Guna Yala, all but ten are located on islands along the northeast Caribbean coast, with populations ranging in size from a few hundred to several thousand.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10469/8102
Aparece en las colecciones: ReVista Harvard Review of Latin America 14(2) - Winter 2015

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